Silistra region includes the northeastern part of the Danubean plain. It offers marvelous opportunities for cultural and ecological tourism.
In Silistra - a town with old, rich and interesting history, a successor of the Roman settlement of Durostorum, there are numerous sights of interest, such as the history and ethnography museums, National architectural and archeological reserve of 'Durostorum - Drustur - Silistra', the Roman tomb from 4 th century with invaluable frescoes. Near the town is situated the Turkish fortress of Medjid Tabiya.
It is worth visiting the Ethnographic museum of the Dobrudja House and Lifestyle in the town of Alfatar. In Toutrakan is situated the only one museum in the country called 'The Danubian Fishing and Boat Construction'.
In the region of Silistra is located the biosphere reserve of Srebarna included in the world fund of natural monuments unto UNESCO in 1984. It is the only place in Bulgaria where stays the curl-head pelican.
Other interesting natural sights are marsh cypress on the island of Radetski (unique in Bulgaria), Garvanski blata (Raven Marshlands), Malak Preslavets marsh, Karakouzuk Game park.
Danube river offers numerous opportunities for excursion tours, taking sunbathes, having a rest, practicing water sports in the region of Silistra, as well. Along the river there are many rest houses, private villas and camps.