
30 August 2024

Vicki H.

United Kingdom
Hello Pavlina 
We had an amazing time thank you and we would love to review the Villa.
Perfectly situated Villa
We spent 2 weeks at this beautiful Villa. The Villa is spacious and comfortable lots of outdoor space and seating. The pool is in the sun all day and was so warm, it was like bath water meaning we could play all day without getting cold! The garden is well maintained. We would highly recommend this Villa to everybody you are close to 2 restaurants and the shop and fruit and veg stand so everything you need very close by. We really hope to stay here again and can not fault the service from Martin and Pavlina 10 out of 10!!
Thank you so much
08 August 2024

Inga M.

Hello Pavlina, 
 Amazing villa, very comfortable, spacious rooms and well equipped. Very quiet rural area. Big swimming pool, BBQ, Garden, the smell of lavender everywhere. Staff were amazing and came straight back to us when we asked for advice or had any questions.   
Best regards, 
07 August 2024

Filiz I.

Здравей Павлина

Прекарахме чудесно във Вила Джази, точно като на снимките, но много по-хубаво на живо Бяхме развълнувани. Има прекрасна гледка от всяка спалня, а също и прекрасна гледка вечер. Вилата е в тих район и е на няколко минути с кола от Балчик и Албена. Резервирахме вилата от две години и нямаме търпение скоро да резервираме отново.

Желая ви всичко най-добро и много ви благодаря. До скоро.
02 July 2024

Ian M.

United Kingdom
Hi Pavlina,  just wanted to say a big thank you to you and your team.  Another fabulous week spent at one of your Villas.  It really is a pleasure booking with BG rentals and we look forward to booking with you again in the future :). 
Thanks again.

22 September 2023

Filiz I.

Здравейте  Павлина, съжалявам, че не успях да пиша още. Все още мислим за ваканция за следващата година, така че ще се свържем с вас пак.
Прекарахме чудесно във Вила Мирабел. Наслаждавахме се на всеки час и гледката беше прекрасна. Чувствахме се сити и бихме искали да останем по-дълго. Имахме толкова красива спалня с прекрасна гледка и всяка вечер се възхищавахме колко красиво е мястото . Бяхме топло посрещнати от Мартин и ни даде съвети къде можем да прекараме времето си. Жалко, че времето не беше топло през последните два дни, но това няма никакво значение, все пак просто искахме да се отпуснем и да се насладим на времето си и това беше правилното място за това. Благодаря ви много за страхотната грижа. 
15 September 2023

Elena Y.

Една дума е достатъчна да опиша как прекарахме незабравими августовски дни във вила "Лавандин" в с. Рогачево, област Добрич. И това е "чудесно". Ако кажа "прекрасно" или "превъзходно" - няма да е точно. Чудесно, защото преживяхме лятно чудо. И не става дума за чудото на битовите условия, които, разбира се, не са никак за подценяване. Става дума за чудото на чистия въздух и тишината, за чудото на светлото  синьо небе, за чудото на невероятните изгреви и залези, за чудото на лавандуловия аромат, за чудото на... 
Нашите две дъщери и техните съпрузи, нашите две внучки и един внук, а и ние самите, си тръгнахме щастливи и с огромна надежда, че през лятото на 2024 година отново ще имаме възможност да преживеем тези чудеса.
Благодаря за коректното отношение към нас от страна на всички, които от първия момент, в който само проучвах възможността за почивка във вилата, до последния момент, когато я напуснахме, бяха на наше разположение с информация и професионални действия!
Благодаря! Благодаря! Благодаря!
С пожелания за светли дни,
05 September 2023

Ivana K.

Bulgaria - Belgium
Благодаря, Павлина ! Да, наистина беше чудесно! Ако нямаше толкова много прекрасни места по света, които да ни се иска да посетим, бихме идвали всяка година…
Всичко най-хубаво и до нови срещи,
30 August 2023

Cristian S.

We have been 7 adults and the holidays was relaxing and comfortable.the villa is very appropriate for family holidays, the staff is careful and friendly, the view was amazing. I strongly recommend
14 August 2023

Iskrena S.

Престоя във вилата отговори на очакванията ни.
Вилата е чудесна с уникална гледка и невероятно спокойно място.
Единстветото, което ни липсваше и малко тревна площ за домашните любимци :)
Препоръчвам вилата без колебания за чудесен престой.
Благодарим за възможността да сме гости на вила Мирабел.
11 August 2023

Kalina K.

Здравейте, прекарахме си чудесно, условията бяха прекрасни и за напред ще използваме вашите услуги.
С уважение Калина К.
02 August 2023

Angela S.

Dear Pavlina,
Sure will do :)
The location is superb with fantastic view over the sea. The villa is very well equiped, the pool is great. We had a wonderful time at Villa Jazzy and I hope we will be back again. 
Best wishes,
02 August 2023

David K.

Hello Pavlina and Martin,

Many thanks for the great holiday we were allowed to spend in Villa Jazzy.

We had a wonderful time. The villa is fantastic and your service is perfect.

We definitely want to come back and are already looking forward to it.

We wish a successful time and see you soon.

Greetings from the Klaas family
26 July 2023

Tatiana S.

It was our best accomodation ! Wonderfull villa and facilities,great place close to everything we needed,beautifull view with hills and forests.And also a very kind and professional manager together with the staff of the agency Bgrentals.
Many thanks for all,and be sure we ll see you next summer !
Tatiana,Milana,Mara,Nour,Vesna and Nora.
10 October 2022

Beata D.

Poland - Ireland
Hello Pavlina !

Thanks for asking  - we're now at home after a long but safe journey.
We spent a very nice holiday at Villa Lilly, the house was comfortable for our group, quite well equipped and met our expectations.
The only comments we have regarding safety at the pool, i.e. quite slippery surface, cracked, moving tiles and an unstable ladder.
I think it's quite important to fix these details and avoid unpleasant events in the future.

Your company offers very nice villas and great service at the highest level, so if we plan another holiday in Bulgaria in the future, we will definitely contact you.
Thank you for welcoming us and looking after us!
Best wishes from Poland and Ireland to Martin and all BG Rentals staff  :)
Beata and Friends
27 September 2022

Ramona B.

It was a wonderful vacation and a very nice stay. The villa is exactly as in the pictures, very well equipped, inside there is everything you need to make a perfect vacation. The pool and barbeque area is beautifully landscaped and an oasis of calm. The administrator and the people who take care of the villas are very nice and always ready to help you. Indeed the villa is a few km from the resort of Albena. The resort is very clean, full of shops and restaurants, the beach is beautifully arranged and clean. We are extremely satisfied and the vacation at the villa was exactly what we wanted. We will come back!
07 September 2022

Mira I.

С удоволствие ще споделя:
Почиваме във вила Сентинела за втори път. Къщата е просторна, обзаведена с всичко необходимо, на тихо и спокойно място, гарантиращо спокойна почивка. 
Басейнът е един от най-големите плюсове и е страхотно удобство за деца, тъй като всички водни играчки са под ръка.
Близостта на хранителен магазин е също голямо удобство. 
Вилата е чиста, с прекрасно озеленен двор и всичко нужно за релаксираща семейна ваканция.
05 September 2022

Ovidiu R.

We had a very good time.. we only went out 2 days out of 6, so we enjoyed our time at the villa. As for suggestions, it would be nice if the bathrooms were stocked with shower gel and toilet paper that would be enough for the whole stay. The same for dishwasher and washing machine detergent.
Hope to stay with you next year too.
Thank you,
02 September 2022

Beatrice Z.

Hello Pavlina,
Thank you for your message. We have spend a very nice holiday at Lavandin villa and a good returning trip.
As a feedback, I can tell you that the location was more then we've expected. Everything was very good, the kitchen utilities were very helpfull. The entire villa is very spacious and cosy. We felt like home there. The pool was very, very used and the main atraction for everybody. 
As a suggestion, because of the water presure the shower may sleep, but it was not a problem. We find how to use it and was fine. 
In conclusion, our stay at the Lavandin villa was more than perfect. 
We left the villa with the though that we will get back soon. We asked the manager if is available in the winter, for the winter holidays.
A big thank you for our collaboration. You helped me a lot. 
I will get back to you for the next holiday, for sure.
Thank you
27 August 2022

Tanya W.

UK - Bulgaria
Hi Pavlina,
We had a wonderful time at the villa .It certainly has got a lot of character and it is very well maintained.
We were very well looked after by our Villa Manager Martin -special thanks to him !!!!
He dealt with all issues in a timely manner .
We shall definitely be back again and use your services! 
Many thanks 
03 August 2022

Boza B.

Dear Ms. Pavlina Angelova,
Thank you for your email. We enjoyed our stay, the villa is suitable for family with children, has all the amenities for a pleasant vacation. The location is very good, close to Albena beaches and a quiet environment.
We have only a suggestion: please purchase bigger and more sturdier umbrellas, the existing ones are not proper.
We will come back for sure.
Best regards,
Boza B.
29 July 2022

Rositza B.

Вилата е страхотна, вила мениджърката беше супер отзивчива, почивката ни премина отлично. Благодаря за съдействието, за следващата семейна почивка ще се обърнем отново към Вас, дори сме си избрали друга Ваша вила :)
20 July 2022

Małgorzata L.

Dzień dobry, 
Dziękujemy, bezpiecznie dotarliśmy do domu.
Było cudownie, dom jest wspaniały.
Spędziliśmy ten czas rewelacyjnie.
20 July 2022

Sergei K.

Здравейте, Всичко беше чудесно.
Басейна и гледката са прекрасни. Вилата е удобна за всички гости, всички спальни са просторни. Всичко от което имахме нужда го получавахме веднага след обаждането на менеджера. Благодарим за прекрасна почивка.
Единственно нещо което трябва да се поправи е да се закупят по големи хладилници, но това не е голям проблем. 
08 July 2022

Plamen B.

Здравей Павлина

Ето и накратко едно отзивче:
Вече няколко пъти сме гости на вила Jazzy и всеки път оставаме заредени от спокойствието, прекрасната гледка, удобствата, чудесната локация и перфектното менажиране от страна на Павлина (+ Велина). 
Приятно впечатление прави също, че собствениците периодично подменят износени или остарели компоненти във вилата и като цяло се грижат за добрата поддръжка на обекта.
Горещо препоръчване.
Благодарности, с пожелания за весел ден и силни поздрави
15 September 2021

Maya M.

Здравейте, исках да споделя отзива ни от вила Сансара. Вилата е страхотна, чиста , уютна, страхотна гледка от нашата стая , всичко беше повече от чудесно. Имаше място за трите автомобила , децата се радваха на двуетажните легла, малко се къпаха в басейна , защото времето много не беше с нас.
Благодарим за отзивчивостта .
Сега се оглеждам за почивка само за нас 4 Мата , може и апартаменти ако имате за следващото лято за юли .
Благодарим отново .
Мая М.
18 September 2019

P. Boneva-Gandrud

Bulgaria - Norway
We were three families from Norway, and we were so satisfied with our stay at Villa Vegas. It was in all ways beyond our expectations. The location in beautiful, calm, and relaxing. Perfect for people who want to be away from the typical noise of the beach resorts and at the same time at a very proper distance from the beach and popular places like Balchik, Albena and Kranevo. The house is grand! You have everything you need there. We felt so at home. And the manager Velina was extremely helpful with both information, tips about the area and arrangements around the house. There can’t be enough positive to be said for our vacation at Villa Vegas. We enjoyed it a lot. And we would definitely come back, to either Villa Vegas or some of the other houses the company BG Rentals offers.
09 September 2019

David W.

United Kingdom
Hi Pavlina
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay at the villa.It was very clean and presentable and everything was first class. No issues whatsoever as the owner resolved things i.e. the blocked sink and loss of electricity downstairs very quickly.
We would have no hesitation staying there again. The fact we had a pool, in our own private ground and secluded from anyone else was a huge positive.
There is only one observation (not a criticism) in that the TV downstairs was not HD. I only say this because we were intending plugging in a HD cable so we could view Netflix. It certainly did not spoil our holiday though.
Kind regards
03 September 2019

Martyn P.

United Kingdom
Hi Pavlina
We had a great time and loved the position of the villa.
Valina was very helpful and friendly as were the car rental company.
We will definitely look to book another holiday in that area again.
Thanks for all your help in booking the holiday.
All the best, Martyn
03 September 2019

Ivelina B.

Bulgaria - Ireland
Здравейте Павлина, 
Всичко беше чудесно, нямаме никакви забележки от вилата. Токът ни спря веднъж и искам специално да благодаря на Велина, че беше на разположение и ни помогна да оправим проблема много бързо. 
Поздрави: Ивелина
02 September 2019

Jim and Cynthia P.

United Kingdom
Dear Pavlina,
We are all safely home after a good holiday in Bulgaria - very enjoyable and interesting - thank you.
We certainly found Villa Vagas very different ! We enjoyed the stay , particularly the pool and the amount of space for our family of 10.
 As far as providing a better service in future we think there should be written information in the Villa about good restaurants and beaches: information about the local shop and the nearest supermarket etc. We have stayed in other villas where there was a note book for people to write their recommendations in. We also found only 2 small spoons( teaspoons) - there should be more for 10 people.
Apart from that we had everything we needed.
Kind regards,
25 August 2019

Yassen G.

Здравейте, Павлина! 
Къщата е прекрасна и новия ѝ стил отговаря на атмосферата! За втори път сме при вас и отново се чувствахме добре дошли, спокойни и уютно. Дворът е прекрасен, мястото е защитено и тихо (в зависимост от съседните гости, но с няколко културни разговора, всичко се оправи). Велина е чудесен домакин и усмихнатото ѝ посрещане прави чудесно впечатление. 
Ще дойдем пак, 
Поздрави и хубаво лято, Ясен
21 August 2019

Viktoria P.

Здравейте, изкарахме страхотно. Вилата е толкова прекрасна. Направо се влюбих в нея. Има абсолютно всички удобства. Много е чисто навсякъде. За мен това е райско място, а и самото селце е супер спокойно - предразполага към пълен релакс. Също искам да благодаря и на вас и на момичето, което ни посрещна и изпрати за пълното съдействие, при всякакви въпроси, през цялото време.
21 August 2019

Anna G.

HAJ Pavlina!
Villa Infinity is  very well prepared place to spend vacation. The manager of the villa (Valena) was very helpful and responded to all our questions. The owner is very honest, he maintained the highest professionalism in an emergency situation :-)
It is worth paying more attention to the care of the area around the pool. You can already see traces of use and if someone doesn't properly clean it in two-three years will simply be destroyed. It is also worth repairing the lighting in the pool (only one lamp works), because the night backlight create an amazing atmosphere. In addition, customers should be informed about a very uncomfortable ride up to the villa. With a large bus it was not an easy road :-) Other things were perfect, well-equipped kitchen, spacious bedrooms, bathrooms clean (you could  buy some shelves for cosmetics ;-)) BEAUTIFUL POOL, LARGE TERRACES, COMFORTABLE LIVING ROOM!
We recommend bgrentals and infinity villas to everyone
Best regards' Anna & friends
20 August 2019

Dorothea P.

Buna doamna Pavlina, 
Va multumesc pentru EMail. 
Sederea la Villa Elena a fost perfecta, Villa ofera tot ce este necesar, de la masina de spalat, Espressor ptr facut cafea, toate ustensilele de bucatarie, gratar, aer conditionat, 2 piscine, una ptr copii si una ptr adulti, sezlonguri si toate conditiile. Recomand Villa Elena din toate punctele de vedere si cu drag sper sa revenim si noi! 
Va multumim! 
Cu stima/ best regards 
03 August 2019

Dima K.

Вилата е прекрасна и почивката ни мина според очакванията-великолепно!
22 July 2019

Jackie J.

United Kingdom
Beautiful villa in lovely local village. Villa is very well equipped for the stay. Local shop has most things you need but Lidl is not far if you need a big shop. Would recommend a car so you can travel to places to eat out. Balchik is worth a visit.
22 July 2019

Julie C.

A very lovely house and a super great visit.
15 July 2019

Miglena P.

Bulgaria - Austria
This villa is perfectly located. Very quiet and relaxing place and it takes 10 min to drive to the next beach. The villa ist very clean, very good equipped (espresso machine!), very spacious and we enjoyed the pool. Our host was helpful and answered quickly everything. We can definitely recommend this place!
20 September 2018

Mariela I.

Беше страхотно! Много сме доволни. Другата година пак ще я наемем. Благодаря!
18 September 2018

Martin T.

Hello Pavlina,

had a nice week at villa mirabell. It´s a very luxuary location. The look to the sea is very nice. The service from you was excellent. Just can say thanx. Very, very wonderful. We had luck with the weather. So we could use the swimming pool every day. It was warm and sunny.
The people we met are all helpful. And friendly. If you want to make an amazing holiday. Just go to villa mirabell.
Hope to come back next year.
Greetings from tyrol, Austria
15 September 2018

Colin H.

United Kingdom
I would like to say what a wonderful time all our party had at the villa ,would certainly recommend the villa to anyone. Please pass on my sincere regards to Valina for the assistance she gave me with the repair of my car. She is a very helpful and professional person your company must be aware of the job she does.
Once again many thanks.
14 September 2018

Robert W.

United Kingdom
Dear Pavlina,
My friends and I thoroughly enjoyed our stay at Villa Magdalen. The whole holiday was fantastic and a lot of this was down to the brilliant accommodation provided by BG Rentals. The facilities in the rooms were fairly basic but met all requirements. The kitchen was easy to cook in and prepare meals, and the pool and lounge area were perfect for a group of our size. Overall, we had a very enjoyable stay at Villa Magdalen.

Kind regards,
12 September 2018

Dominik S.

Hi Pavlina,
we had a really great week in the Villa Magdalen and in Bulgaria too.
The complete Villa was clean, the kitchen was perfect to use.
The only thing I remember was that the door of the toilet on the first floor could not be locked, Also the gate to the street. But these are little things. We only can recommend the villa.
Best regards
02 September 2018

Frederikus R.

Dear Pavlina,
thanks, we got home safely and all is well. :-)
Hereby my feedback about our staying in villa Lilly:
As we arrived on the aerport and got our suitcases, the first thing we saw was the taxidriver who stood there already in the front with a shield with our name.
We didn't need to search and that was the first nice thing and a good start from our holliday.
As we arrived at Balchik he drove us to a shop so we could do some shopping.
Very well organized. Thanks for that. :-)
We then drove to the villa and Velina was there to welcome us.
She explained some things and because it was pretty late she came back the next morning to explain the rest of things.
The villa is a dream with so many space and with the lovely swimming pool.
It was easy to find out how to go to Balchik. The bus drove frequently and was very cheap.
A few small things in the house need to be looked at:
From the left bedroom (bathroom)upstairs it was very difficult to put the light on our out.
The light switch does not work properly.
The barbeque should be replaced, because it almost collapses and is very unstable.
The dishwasher does not clean well and the door could not be opened completely.
As improvement, I don't know if this possible, it would be nice to receive some international TV programs in English or maybe even German.
What also would be great is to provide some information, on paper or flyers, about the neighbourhood.
Like what can be done and visited in Balchik, information about restaurants. (f.i. steakhouse Silvia for which was needed a reservation when wanting to eat after 18:00 hrs.)
But, despite those few small things, we had a wonderfull holliday. :-)
I also must thank you for all the good solutions you provided us.
It was nice to feel you took care of everything I asked for.
Even on the last day, Velina arranged for us the taxidriver to pick us up at 11 and because our plane wnt in the evening, he kept our suitcases so we could spent a few hours in Balchik to enjoy the last day.
I would recommand this villa to everyone :-)
When we have plans to come back to Bulgaria this is the first place we will think about.
dear regards,
25 August 2018

Ilia V.

Zdraveite Pavlina,
Prekarahme si chudesno vuv vila Jazzy i s udovolstvie shte posetim otnovo v budeshte.  Nqmame absolutno nikakvi zabelejki, aa Velina beshe supeeer. Shte e proporuchvame na priateli i poznati i shte vi doidem na gosti pak sys sigornost.
Pozdravi i do novi sreshti.
20 August 2018

Bianka B.

Dear Pavlina,
we really enjoyed our stay at Villa Lavandin. Everything was great. The pool was amazing, also that there was a place for kids in the pool. The house looks just like on the pictures and Velina was very helpful.
15 August 2018

Hristo M.

Bulgaria - Switzerland
Здравейте Павлина,

Ако някой иска да си почине от натовареното ежедневие това е мястото тихо и спокойно. Къщата е прекрасна удобна има всичко необходимо за една прекрасна почивка със страхотна гледка.
Вилата има топъл басейн от който децата не излизаха.

Благодарим на фирмата за незабравимата почивка.

We spent one relaxing week in Vila Jazzy in July 2018. The house is spacious, tastefully furnished and has an awesome view over the sea and Albena. We loved waking up in the morning and enjoying the blue of Black Sea directly from our bed! In the bushes close to the house live tortoises - we found one whole family. We recommend the house to families and couples that love nature and comfort.
Ida, Laura, Maya and Gerhard, Murten Switzerland
Krisi, Magi, Marina i Hristo, Sofia, Bulgaria
Dobri, Tzveti i Nikola, Sofia, Bulgaria
07 August 2018

Joanna L.

Hello Pavlina,

We are very glad to stay in villa
the house is beautifully located, very comfortable and well equipped
Thank you for your great help
Velina in very nice and helpful...
thank you again, i will recommend your villa to my friends :-)
Best regards, joanna
03 August 2018

Maria D.

Bulgaria - Germany
Zdraveite Pavlina,
prestoiat ni beshe mnogo prijaten! Kashtata e chudesna i children friendly!
Edin "detail" koito ne ni pozvoli da spim dobre e razmera na spalnoto belio. Predostabenite charshafi biaha malki. Tova beshe edinstvennia povod za oplakvane.
Vsichko hubavo i pozdravi ot Köln!
26 July 2018

Morten H.

We were two families from Norway and totally eight people in the villa. We have had an amazing time. We enjoyed every moment and part of the villa, especially the wonderfull swimmingpool and the quite and peacefull nights outside in the beautifull garden. Plenty of space for us. There is no noise or any traffic which is great. Velina the host took very good care of us, and was very friendly and helpfull. By car you can easily reach a lot of Nice places, villages and beaches nearby. I recommend this villa to other families that travel with kids. Thank you. Morten and family
19 July 2018

Irina L.

Hi Pavlina,
We enjoyed our stay at Villa Lilly a lot. It was just what we were expecting. Pictures and information on you net site was true to reality. Here are some ideas to reach the place easyer:
- if you came with own car it is a little bit hard to find, even if you have the coordinates. I suggest to meet at Silvia’s steakhouse. It’s easy to find when location is on the main road. (As you know we arrive in the night and very dark)
- for the pool area you should get a “floor dryer” like the thing you use when you wash windows. (Plastic/rubber) I don’t know how it is called in English. When the floor gets wet it’s dangerous slippery.
- the dishwasher was a little bit difficult to fill lower level. You could not pull it out properly.
We hope to come back again because we hade a fantastic stay there.
Also I would like to send regards to Velina, she was very helpful and kind. Then I would like to thank you for you kindness in all our messages.
Wish you a nice summer
18 July 2018

Bende B.

Vila Jazzy was the best quality place to stay in a vacation. The arhitecture is a combination of good taste and practical. Also the comunication with the contact people was very nice and easy. Only the internet signal was weak, but it doesn t hold us back to give this vila the maximum points as possible, together with our gratitude. We really enjoy every moment in this place, and i m sure that we will come back in Jazzy. Blagodarie! 
26 June 2018

Asen K.

Здравейте, както и очаквахме всичко беше чудесно. Настаняването и напускането беше както винаги бързо и точно, а вилата беше чудесна и определено ще продължаваме да посещаваме вилите, в които вече сме били, и останалите, които за момента не сме успели.
Благодарим сърдечно на екипа Ви, който се грижи всичко да бъде на толкова високо ниво.
Хубав ден, и до нови срещи.
26 June 2018

Rachel B.

Each family that stayed in the villa was extremely happy with the size of the house the cleanliness and the outside areas we will all be visiting again in the near future we all had a thoroughly enjoyable holiday and all the staff at big rentals were excellent with their service 
Thank you x 
02 October 2017

Bonita K.

We have been back a week from spending two wonderful weeks in Villa Vegas. The Villa is superb and highly recommend this villa to everyone, it is the height of luxury at a very reasonable price. Really didn't want to leave although the pictures are very good the Villa itself is a 1000 times better. The only niggle I had was the villa sleeps 10 but there was only 6 mugs and quite a few light bulbs wasn't working, however we were at the end of the season so I am sure this will be rectified by the new season starts. Hope one day to return as this really is the most beautiful Villa I have stayed in.
20 September 2017

Michael E.

Hi Pavlina,
It was really nice and clean! We spent an amazing week with a perfect service from your side!
We definitely recommend the villa to our friends and family who'd like to visit Bulgaria.
Many thanks to the whole team!
All the best,
15 September 2017

Oxana M.

Dear Pavlina,
we enjoyed our visit in Bulgaria a lot and we all liked villa Jasmin. The location is good and we liked the big backyard with the pool. It also was exactly what we needed in regard to the number of people - we had enough room for everybody. We also appreciated the promptitude and willingness to meet all our needs from Ms.Velina. She was polite and very nice. 
The thing which surprised us a bit was that the place looks much nicer and newer on the pictures on the Internet, than it is in reality. It was also not very clean (we even found the coffee filter full with used coffee). So, these are the things which were not very pleasant.
But, overall we spent 7 happy days there and we thank you for the service you have provided.
Best wishes,
11 September 2017

Ivan K.

Zdravejte Gergana,
Iskam da vi blagodarja za bezproblemno organiziranata ljatna vakancija. 
Vsicki ostanahme dovolni i s prekrasni vpechatlenija ot prekaranata vuv Vila Vegas pochivka.
Kind Regards
Ivan Kolev
07 September 2017

Asen K.

престоя ни беше чудесен и всичко свързано с пристигането, настаняването ни беше перфектно.
Благодаря много и се надявам и в бъдеще да работим заедно.
Поздрави на екипа Ви и хубав и успешен ден.
31 August 2017

Adrian C.

We have a perfect time at villa lily  and we all have a nice time over there
Thank you again for your support
We keep in touch and I guest we will see you again next summer but don’t know at the moment what location
Thank you
31 August 2017

Costi N.

The villa was super nice next year for sure we will come back i think i said all in that sentence 
25 July 2017

Dimitri M.

Bonjour Gergana!
We had a fantastic stay and enjoyed the villa very much...
Thank you for your help and the trust regarding the pavement.
17 August 2017

Evelina M.

Thank you very much for your help.
The villa was perfect for us, as we came with some kids too. The barbeque area was our preferated place to spend nice evening and late chill nights. The pool was wonderfull and clean and was fine for the kids too. The rooms were clean and confortable and the view from the up floor terrace was precious as you can see the entire Albena gulf from there. We’ ve spend nice moments in there at the villa and, for sure, we will come back for a longer stay. Nice to meet all of you and hope to see you soon!
Big hug from Romania! :)
16 August 2017

Andrew W.

United Kingdom
Dear Gergana/Velina
We have arrived home safely and can only say that we have had a wonderful time at Villa Jasmine!
What an absolutely perfect location to explore the Bulgarian coastline, perfectly situated on the coast close to Balchik and the other coastal towns and places to visit! We can genuinely say we have had an amazing time, beautiful weather and a fantastic villa For our group of 10. We loved the air con!!
We can only thank everyone that made this such a perfect holiday, from the airport pickup to the hire car and especially Velina and yourself for great support and communication. Even the pool man and the cleaners did a great job! Velina was was wonderful in helping us one we arrived and throughout our stay. 
We loved the near restaurant, Balchik and the great places to visit such as Kaliakra and Albena. We have to say that the holiday could not have been more perfect thanks to you all and the wonderful people we met. Will we be back? I really hope so, love Bulgaria and the very kind people that made our holiday special.
Thanks again 
Andrew, Justine, Robert, Adam, Harry, Eliza, David, Alex, Charles and William.
16 August 2017

Christopher B.

United Kingdom
Hi Gergana We are safely home and I'm sorry I have not been in touch with you yet. I wanted to thank you for your help throughout the whole process.I asked Velina to pass on our thanks to you as you and Velina were very helpful. We very much enjoyed our stay and would like to return. We mentioned a few small things to Velina which we thought could make a small but important difference. These were: Kettle kept warm so believe Is faulty. Toaster poor. BBQ/grill too small. No bottled water in villa so had nothing to drink and arrived in middle of night (a very important little point in our opinion). Otherwise it was all good. We really enjoyed our stay. For your information the near restaurant is excellent and we are there regularly. Best wishes Chris
08 August 2017

Margaret W.

United Kingdom
Thank you very much - we had a lovely holiday. Lavandin is a beautiful house for bringing family groups together - plenty of space, very comfortable, lovely views, pool, amazing! For future guests, it might be useful to add a couple of small saucepans (we could only find one large one) but it wasn't a big problem!
31 July 2017

Sergey K.

Hello Gergana, 
I'm sorry I have had a lot of working and I can answer only today. 
I would like to report our families have been glad and happy our holidays. 
We liked Bulgaria, Bulgarian people, welcome and especially  food:) We were a bit disappointed about sea only it was colder that we were looking forward. About villa, villa's manger and service I must speak only "it was superbly!" Our waitings came true. We had no problem anything. We spent memorable two weeks at the nice and comfortable place. I want to thank personally you, Velina and Bgrentals for fine organization and support our holidays.
25 July 2017

Elena Z.

We had e wonderful vacation at vila Sansara! 
Perfect location,fantastic view, the vila is very comfortable .We loved everything inside and outside:space arrangment, room design, outside light ,barbecue place and swimming pool. Thanks for the nice room and swimming pool service! We would like to thank Velina for her hospitality! And special thank to you,Gergana for excellent arrangment! We woukd like to come next summer to the same vila! It was a pleasure to have a deal with your agency!
25 July 2017

Roger H.

Guten Tag Gergana,
Danke wir sind alle wohlbehalten zurück.
Es hat uns allen sehr gut gefallen in der Villa Vegas.
2 Punkte zur Verbesserung hätten wir.
-Die Beschattung mit den billigen Sonnenschirmen war etwas knapp bemessen.
 Zu diesem tollen Haus wären etwas Qualitativ bessere Sonnenschirme toll + evtl. Sonnenmarkisen bei Sitzplätze unter Decke.
-evtl. eine Kaffemaschiene zur Verfügung stellen und neuen Grill.
Ansonsten wirklich alles bestens, können das weiterempfehlen.
Besten Dank für Ihre Organisation und mithilfe, auch mit den Mietautos usw.
Liebe Grüsse
11 July 2017

Kevin O.

United Kingdom
The only problem with our 14 days in Bulgaria was the time passed so quick :) The Villa Vegas lived up to its name and we all had a great time , The vila manageres was very very good looked after us through out our stay, Its on our list to return when we can find the time :)
06 July 2017

Despina B.

Infinity villa is exactly as described: beautiful location, breath taking view, spacious, well equipped, exceptionally clean and bright. Velina (our manager) was extremely helpful with all our needs and cheerful, always quick to respond. The only essential thing to have is a car since being half way between Balchik and Varna, taxis are expensive and so are the restaurants in the area.
26 Януари 2017

Гергана Л.

Здравей, Гери,Моля за извинение за закъснелия отговор.Бих искала да пожелая на теб, екипа на фирмата и семействата Ви много здраве и успешна 2017 година.Относно впечатленията ми от почивката - чувствахме се прекрасно, това бе търсеното спокойствие. Съдействието на Велина и на господина, който отговаряше за техническата подръжка бе дискретно и навременно.Ние сме любители на домашния уют и цялата обстановка в / около къщата, предразполагаше към усамотение и семейна идилия.Не бих казала, че имаме сериозни препоръки към Вашата фирма - това, което бяхте публкували в сайта, отговаряше напълно на реалността. Може би една идея повече внимание към озеленяванто и външната маса/столове, но ние бяхме в края на лятото и допускам, че това е една от причините. Факт е, че това е въпрос на визия, не толкова на комфорт.Благодаря на екипа и се надявам отново да почиваме чрез Вашата фирма.С най-сърдечни  пожелания за слънчво настроение и топлина, въпреки студа и снега навън. До нови срещи! Гери
15 October 2016

Nicolas S.

I stayed at this terrific villa in August 2016 for 10 days with four friends of mine. We enjoyed every minute there. We were collected by the airport from a very kind taxi-driver who took us to the villa. The villa is huge and has a very modern interior – the view from all balconies are breathtaking and I would advise everybody to get up early once during this vacation and enjoy the sunrise. The pool and the terrace are perfect. We received a number for our personal taxi-driver who drove us to the Golden Sands at an agreed time. He was very punctual, what was very appreciated by us. Our villa manager was top-notch – she answered us within 30 minutes when we had a question and gave us some good tips. Thank you for the wonderful stay and I hope to be back soon! Best regards Nicolas  
12 October 2016

Adrian C.

Yes it was really nice over there at mirabell. Almost perfect and I say almost perfect was about the wether that was not so cold. I hope maybe next year we come to another vila or maybe here we will see
your villa manager ( that woman) really nice and help a lot to us
thank you for all and keep in touch
12 Октомври 2016

Събина Б.

Привет Гергана, вилата беше великолепнa, гледката уникално красива и условиятa прекрасни, нямамe оплаквания от каквото и да е свързано с престоя ни там. Горещо бих я препоръчала на всеки за почивка. нивото на вашите услуги оговори на моите очаквания - не променяйте нищo. Живот и здраве може да се чуем отново другата година. Поздрави, Събина
18 August 2016

Michael Z.

Hello Gergana ☺
Thank you very much for your positive answer, your approach to customer service is exemplary, I hope that next year we will come. I will definitely be recommending your company to my friends. I wish you all the best and we will be in touch.
10 Август 2016

Антон Б.

Здравейте Гергана,
Впечатленията и спомените от прекараното време във вила Мирабел са чудесни. Това беше една  от  най-прекрасните почивки, които сме имали. Въпреки че снимковият материал публикуван на сайта ви е чудесен и достатъчно  информативен, нищо не може са се сравни  с усещането за простор и тишина на място. Вилата е просторна, с функционална  архитектура, добре обзаведена и поддържана. Има всички съвременни удобства, на които сме свикнали. Терасата и басейнът са  естественият център, където човек може да се отпусне напълно и почине пълноценнно. Желаем Ви много успех,
Поздрави, Антон и Иво
05 August 2016

Gleb V.

Hello, Gergana! Thanks for your letter. We arrived home safely. We are kindly pleased to you, Velina and all Bgrentals team for terrific time we spent in Naomi. Its location and equipment are fully meet our expectations. Thanks again. Best regards, Gleb
20 Юли 2016

Павлинка Б.

Добър вечер. Къщата е прекрасна всички бяхме доволни и се надявам след някоя година да сме отново ваши гости :)
17 July 2016

Bart B.

Hi Gergana. We enjoyed our stay at Villa Jazzy. It is a great house and a good area for the kids as well. We were thinking of going to Croatia next year, but another option would be that we come back to Bulgaria, and stay a week more. Thanks, Bart
14 July 2016

Daniel R.

Hi Gergana, It’s a very nice apartment which is quiet, comfortable and safe. In the near future the owner should change some of the pillows and check the water drain of the shower. But that’s all :) I’ll get back to you for next year. Thank you very much again! Daniel
26 Октомври 2015

Ясен Г.

Здравейте Гергана, 
С голямо закъснение и с извинение за това, отговарям от името на цялото ми семейство на въпроса ви. 
Краткият отговор е, че отвреме-навреме си казваме: "догодина пак там, нали?"
Доволни сме и ви благодарим. Вилата отговори на очакванията ни и не сме почувствали разочарование или разминаване между това, което вече ни бяхте казали и това, което ни предоставихте. Държа да отбележа и готовността да ни съдействате, ако съседите са по-шумни. Не се наложи, но заради предложението ви ние се чувствахме спокойни. 
Надяваме се и ние да сме били добри ваши гости :) 
До следващия път!
06 October 2015

Sabrina W.

Hello Gergana. Sure I have time for this. Because it was awesome!! We all had a very nice time in Bulgaria and also in Villa Jazzy. It was everything clean and really nice. we felt comfortable and save. The Villa Manager was also top and always helped us. My only problem were some bugs in my sleepingroom, but thats ok. I wish you a nice time! Best Regards, Sabrina
06 October 2015

Nicoleta Z.

Hallo. There is nothing to improve on your services. My vacation was just perfect. Everything was perfect, the apartament was wonderfull, close to the beach, very clean. I felt just like home. What can i say more than to thank you for such a great vacation.
Best regards. Nicoleta
03 Октомври 2015

Силвия Г.

Приятно ми е да се чуем вярвам че и в бъдеще ще имаме поводи да държим връзка. Вилата беше наистина страхотна! Всичко беше наред и повече от чудесно! Горещо бих я препоръчала на всеки за почивка. А гледката от нея уникално красива!
08 May 2015

Mihaita D.

Everything was epic. Will be back soon!
29 January 2015

Michał Z.

Dear Pavlina Angelova,
It was a special week in a beautiful house in excellent conditions. A wonderful climate surrounding the House we loved it. Thanks to You all for helping us was understandable, you are a nice, polite, experienced in what he does and is very helpful, if it was a problem we could call You and ask for help. I hope to see you this year 2015 villa jazzy, because all I found that we'll be back in it's place.
Sending greetings and a lot of Health:)
13 October 2014

Joel B.

Dear Ms Angelova,
Our stay in the villa jazzy was unbelievable. We had an awesome time and will never forget this week. At the moment we are planing our next holiday and we could imagine to book your villa once again next summer. The organisation was perfect. The pickup at the airport arrived on time and we didn't had to wait. As we arrived at the villa, everything was well cleaned and our villa manager helped us in every case. Alltogether, we were more than satisfied!
Best regards, Joel
03 September 2014

Agnieszka P.

Witam Uwag nie mam zadnych,byliśmy bardzo zadowoleni z pobytu w Państwa wilii.Miło wspminamy pobyt w Bułgarii i polecamy znajomym. Pozdrawiam Agnieszka
01 September 2014

Sorin M.

We want to thank you for the beautiful days spent at the villa. Everything was OK, the villa is verry nice and we had a nice time in Bulgaria except the road to the villa. For my jeep was OK but for my son's BMW... Thank you and we hope to meet next year and maybe they will fix the road till then.;-) Kind regards Sorin
30 Август 2014

З. Ангелова

здравейте,г- жо Ангелова.Всички сме доволни от почивката и във двете вили - "Джази" и "Вегас".Времето беше прекрасно,условията на ниво.С уважение.Г- жа Ангелова
30 August 2014

Marcin W.

Hello Holidays were very successful. The villa is great. I think that next year we will spend holidays in Bulgaria using your assistance in renting the villa. I greet Marcin
29 August 2014

Michał K.

Hello, thank you, we are doing fine. We spent very nice time in Bulgaria. Everything was great. In the villa there was everything we needed. My note for the villa is very good. I think that your services are on very high level.
29 August 2014

Mikael H.

Moi Pavlina, I do not have nothing but good to say. I recommend Villa Infinity for everybody. If I would like to add something…maybe the recommendations of the best restaurants in the surrounding area. If my wife ever throw me out (or I'm a man and I do what I want), I’ll move to Bulgaria. ;) Thank you! mikko
28 August 2014

Anne N.

Dear Pavlina, we arrived well at home, thank you. Our stay at villa Anabelle was great, we liked how the villa was divided, the rooms were great, especially the top floor bedroom, we could take a bath in the pool anytime we wanted, our parents with whom we travelled were delighted :) and Velina was very nice, she gave us lots of information about the surroundings! It was the first time we travelled to Bulgaria and I will strongly recommend it to others, the seacoast is very beautiful! Best regards, Anne
27 August 2014

Diana B.

hello , Thank you for your trust to express our impressions. Of course, everything was ok , the villa is situated in impressive landscape, utilities and accessories enough and perfect , so accommodations was wonderful. I would not forget here by the kindness expressed of Velina and her positive and cheerful character. I have recommended the villa to all our friends . thank you again and have a good day
24 July 2014

Dan C.

Dear Pavlina, Thanks again for your professionalism and for high end services assured for our trip! It was once-in-a-life-time experience and we want to repeat it! The Jazzy Villa is the epitome of the Bulgarian Riviera! The location is fantastic, the architecture sympathetic to the surroundings and the decor stylish without being ostentatious. There is everything you might want or expect from a self catering private villa! I hope to come again in the end of August! Thanks for everything!
18 September 2013

Valeriy K.

thank you for the villa. we enjoyed it.
27 August 2013

Virginie J.

Dear Pavlina, yes we all came back safe and full of melancholy. We had such a great time there. The house was much better than what I expected! We all had a great time and we can't wait to spend holidays in one of your properties again. Only weak point was that we didn't have enought forks for everybody, but this is a minor detail! Thank you Virginie
26 August 2013

Johanna P.

Hi Pavlina, We had a great stay at Villa Sentinela. This was already our second stay at the villa and most likely not the last one (and the third stay in the Balchik Villa area). I’ve already started to plan our next summer holiday and I’m quite sure we will meet next summer again :) Best regards, Johanna
11 October 2012

Slavena S.

Здравейте, г-жо Ангелова, Впечатленията ми от вилата са отлични, наистина не се сещам какво още бих могла да препоръчам. Благодаря за вниманието. Поздрави
09 October 2012

Miruna M.

Hello, We had a wonderful time spent in the villa vegas. It is almost unreal how great the holiday was. We had everything we needed and the staff was very friendly. The villa vegas is situated in a very quite area were you can spend quality time with your family and friends. The bedrooms were huge and state of the art equiped. My friends and I were very happy to have chosen the villa vegas and bg rentals for our holiday. Thank you again!
07 October 2012

Bartek S.

Hello. My fedback of villa fabiola is so good!!! That was one of my best vacation ever! Zico is a very nice person, he took care of us during our stay. Villa fabiola and neighbourhood is so beautiful. Thank You for everything, I hope that we will come back to Bulgaria soon!
Message for polish people: nie bojcie sie rezerwowac!!! Zdjecia nawet w polowie nie oddaja piekna Willi! Polecamy plazowanie w Albenie!
Kind regards from Poland:) Bartek
03 October 2012

Marcel M.

Hello, We've had a very good time at your villa; it was a peacefull, relaxing and refreshing vacation. The services were at high standard and we have enjoyed every moment of them Kind regards, Marcel
03 October 2012

Venci T.

Привет Павлина, Съжалявам, че не върнах по-бърз отговор, а до колкото си спомням сега Ви обещах. Но знаете как е, „завъртя ни колелото“ и работния процес :) Всичко беше страхотно! Мястото, вилата, обслужването. Препоръчвам въпросната вила на приятели и колеги, както разбира се и Вашите услуги. Единствения, ако може да се каже проблем, беше липсата на интернет. Но на никой не му липсваше. Даже по-добре, че нямаше, защото щяхме да работим, а ние не искахме ;) Каква беше причината не разбрахме. Идваха хора, опитваха се да го пуснат, но не успяха. Пак казвам по-добре за нас. Коментирайки с приятелите, с които бяхме там, гарантирам за всички от тях, че им е харесало. Т.е. оценката на услугите Ви и вила „Фелисити“ 6++ :) Живот и здраве ще се чуем отново другата година. Може би ще търсим по-голяма, защото желаещите ще са повече. Поздрави и успех! Венци
19 September 2012

Aleksandra R.

Hello Pavlina! Our stay In Villa Vegas 04.08.2012 – 18.08.2012 was fantastic. House, view from villa is beautiful. Service - Zico and others was kind and helpful. Maybe one thing – You have to buy a better mop by the time the guests could wipe the floor, I admit that it was hard for the kids to keep order. Best regards, Aleksandra
14 September 2012

Андрей С.

Здравейте, искам да ви пиша, че вилата и престоя ни беше великолепен и цялата ни група няма оплаквания от каквото и да е свързано с престоя ни там. Благодаря ви за помощта относно организрането на престоя ни и ще се радвам, ако ме информирате за промоциите за сезон 2013. Поздрави и лек ден. Андрей С.
13 September 2012

Natalia G.

Спасибо большое за отдых , мы довольны . Не очень хорошо работал интернет и нет российских каналов, а в остальном всё прекрасно. Спасибо!!!
05 September 2012

Miroslava G.

Bulgaria - Belgium
Dobar den , Pavlina bih jelala da Vi blagodarq za prekrasnata pochivka vav vila Anabel koqto ni osigorihte taka otchivo sas zvezdi , vsichko beshe neveroqtno nadqvqm se do godina pak da se vidim . Beshe prekrasno vav tazi taka priqtna i uiotna vila. Do skoro vijdane
04 September 2012

Yana T.

Hello, Pavlina. Thank you very much, we had a really wonderful holiday. Organization on your part was great. We had no problems, Manager Zico also left a very good impression. Helped us several times with a swimming pool, which clogged after the storm. The house is fully consistent with our expectations. The Villa Fabiola liked us so much because of the fact that it was extremely cosy. An ideal and convenient location of the rooms. The only relative disadvantage - it is a small swimming pool. In the Villa had all the necessary things: from rags for cleaning and washing powders to collective games, umbrellas for the beach, toys for the children. It is completely finished house for living. Thank you for organized rest, I think we will be back.
04 September 2012

Roxana P.

Hello Pavlina Thank you for your kind thoughts. Yes, we are back home safe and happy. :) We are happy because we had the most beautiful holyday ever. We have never try this kind of staying and I am very happy for making this choice. It was just perfect that Sentinela happened to be the first. I liked the house, and I’ve said to your colleague to change the photo on the website because the house it’s more beautiful than in those pictures. Now I’m thinking not to tell anyone about it and keep it just for me :) I’m just kidding of course, but this is the impression. Your services was impeccable, the owner was very kind. The clean, the area, the courtyard, the pool, everything was just perfect. You must know that we’ve been only 4 times at the beach in Albena!!! The rest of time we’ve stayed at ‘ the little house, with the little pool’ as my both children asks over and over again :) The restaurant ‘Silvia The steak house’ it’s absolutely fabulous. The people are very kind and the food it’s very good and for all peoples. You might think to advertise together with the restaurant for this villa and other villas in the area. The restaurant was the thing that make our stay more than perfect. Thank you again Best regards, Roxana
04 September 2012

Nadja G.

Dear Pavlina, The stay at Villa Infinity was great. The villa was very clean and we found there everything we needed. We will definitely consider to come back to Villa Infinity some time. We have had a very nice time in Bulgaria. The Food, the People and the service has been perfect. Thank you a lot. Thank you a lot. Kind regards, Nadja
31 August 2012

Joanna W.

Hi Pavlina! I would like to thank you for all the help. It was a great week for all of us. I will recommend you to everyone :) hope to meet you again! Bye :) Joanna
27 August 2012

Cristina C.

We are a group of 8 adults with 2 children who stayed at Jasmine villa at the beginning of August 2012. The villa is spacious and has a very pretty garden. Pavlina and Zicko were very helpful in every request we had. The kitchen has a minimum of what you might need but is don’t have to bother to much that is there is a excellent restaurant Silvia’s only 50 m to the house with a diverse menu and decent prices. The villa is situated on the periphery of Balchik, only 10 minutes to the sandy and large beaches of Albena. I you are passionate of historic places the Queen Mary’s palace is a very lovely place to visit after a walk in the port.
24 August 2012

David M.

Hi Pavlina Sorry for not responding sooner. We had a wonderful time in Bulgaria and loved the house was beautifully clean on our arrival and clearly well kept. The only slight issue we had was that some of the outside shutters were not well connected to the wall and blew about a little in the wind. Overall however the house .. The facilities, and the setting were excellent. To be candid it would be hard to improve on it overall but if I were to make a suggestion it would be that the outside table was of a size that could be sat around for an al fresco meal opposed to the existing coffee table. I would also like to take this opportunity to thanks both you and Zicko for your help..we found you extremely easy to deal with ..the booking process was clear and easy .. E mails were responded to really quickly .... All in all an extremely positive experience Thanks again David
24 August 2012

Eddie W.

Hi Pavlina,the villa was excellent. My five grand children age 7 to 18 enjoyed the pool. The views were magnificent. We dined out in both Balchik and Albena—food and service were good and very reasonable pricewise. Next time I would hire a car as road to villa was very steep. The villa manager Zikko was very helpful. Overall it was a great way to celebrate 40 years of marriage! Best Wishes,Eddie
20 August 2012

Karin L.

Dear Pawlina Angelowa! We had a very nice time in villa felicity. Weather, house, pool: Everything was ok. With best regards Yours Karin L.
04 October 2011

Tobias E.

Hello Pavlina, at first we had a great time at the Villa. I missed the morning coffee on the sun terrace with the great view on the Black Sea and the coast. The Service from the Villa Manager was perfect, he had did a perfect job. The Rooms was perfect, the view, the pool everything was great. We enjoyed the Holiday in Bulgaria, we will come back next Year. Have a good Time and take care. Kind Regards Tobias
03 October 2011

Michal K.

Dear Pavlina Angelova, The stay At Villa Infinity was great. I recommend you to all of my friends. I’d like to ask you, if your company has villas in other countries because next year I’d like to go somewhere else. Kind regards, Michal
02 October 2011

Marc L.

Hello Pavlina, 1 month later….. Just few words : everything was perfect during our vacation at Villa Magdalen, except 1 thing: the smelt in the bathroom. Otherwise, everything was perfect. Thanks again, Marc
16 September 2011

Dessi R.

Bulgaria - England
Zdravei Pavlina, Blagodarim na Ziko za prekrasnoto posreshtane tova liato. Otnovo mnogo hubavo izkarahme vav Villa Sentinela. Nie sme vashi klienti za vinagi, az sum vlubena v Balchik! Nadiavame se che Pavlina I vsichki vie koito rabotite tolkova mnogo prez letnia sezon si otpochivate dobre I zasluzeno. Nie vi chuvstvame kato chast ot nasheto semeistvo I sme mnogo shtastlivi da sme vi purvite klienti za 2012 I vse taka da vi vurvi. Kato doideme prez liatoto kazete na Ziko che se nadiavame da go zavarim s novo bebe momche tozi put. Mnogo mnogo blagodaria I do skoro, Pozdravi ot Dessi I Alan
05 September 2011

Marcel M.

Hello Pavlina Sorry that I did'nt answerd to you late. I just started with my new job as sales manager and I have to organise lots of things... We all were happy in the house and I have to say, I was extremly surprised, how good the organisation was. So especially your help all the time was great and I also was enthusiastic when I came into your office. So dear Pavlina, If we would come again once to Bulgaria, then I will take contact with you again. Thanks a lot and it would be great , if we could stay in contact. Lovely greetings from Zürich. Marcel
03 September 2011

Lucian S.

Hello Pavlina, We had a wonderful stay in Villa Anabelle. Everything was great, Mr. Ziko was very punctual and very nice. The only minus in Villa was the absence of the bath tubs or shower cabins, but I guess it will appear next year. I hope we'll visit you next year. Please let me know when you start reservations for 2012. Sincerily yours, Lucian
02 September 2011

Johanna P.

Hi Pavlina, We spent excellent two weeks in Villa Sentinela. We really liked the house and everything worked perfectly. In case we had some problems Zico helped us immediately. We will definately consider to come back to Villa Sentinela some time. Maybe already next summer! And I have to mention the local restaurant Silvia Steakhouse right next to the house. I have never got anywhere alse such good food and service! Thank you so much for the excellent holiday :) Best regards, Johanna
02 September 2011

Denis P.

Hello Pavlina! Everything OK, many thanks for your help! I will recommend your agency to my friends.
02 September 2011

Kristina P.

Bulgaria - France
Dobar den, Haresa ni obsluzhvaneto, otzivchivostta i reaktivnostta na villa-menidzhara Zvezdi, a sashto i usloviata vav vilata. Mnogo priatna obstanovka. Edninstvenoto pozhelanie e za Internet vrazka. Dori kogato chovek se opitva da ne raboti i da bade otkasnat se nalaga da se svarzva periodichno s vanshnia sviat i tova ni lipsvashe. Mezhdu drugoto imashe zhabki v baseina, koito pristigaha redovno vecher i si otivaha sutrin - ili sami, ili s nasha pomosht, ne ni se beshe sluchvalo podobno prezhiviavane:-) Blagodaria i na vas za koordiniraneto i kontaktite s nas, Vsichko nai-dobro, Kristina
02 September 2011

Madalina C.

Hello, dear Pavlina, I had in plan writting to you about our vacation at Villa Sentinela. It was great!!! We loved it! Everything was perfect and we had no reason to complain. The villa was very clean and we found there everything we needed. If we missed something, the villa manager imeaditely would purchase for us. The garden was great for us, having 1 little child of 2 years and without hazards or other things that could cause accidents. I recommend this villa for famillies with children of any age. Our children were so excited with the villa and the pool, that we went to the beach only once. We discovered that there is a 10 minutes walk to the beautiful sea cliffs and 15 minutes to the castle, so we spent our evenings for long walks in the beautiful landscape. Self-cattering was easy to manage, as we had a little shop in the neighbourhood and for more shopping we used the supermarkets in Balchik. We recomend for future customers to eat at 2 restaurants on the seaside, near the castle, both with delicious food at good price. One is the one belonging to Regina Maria Hotel and the other belongs to the castle, and is called Corona. On the other hand, we would not recommend the aquapark in Golden Sands (Aquapolis), as it is a very badly managed entertainment place, with lots of dangers (one of our child cut in a piece of glass) and extremely bad and expensive services. We would like to thank you and also to the villa manager, who was very prompt in helping us with everything, including immediate support to take us to emergency hospital, when, unfortnately was the case. I really have only good things to say about the accomodation and we think you deliver really proffesional services. We will surely come back next year and we'll recommend it to our friends !!! kind regards :) Madalina from Romania P.S. Please post my reply on your site and mention in the text also that we think the villa was very clean and looks better than in the pictures.
01 September 2011

Barbara M.

Hello Pavlina, I tried to send you this e-mail many times but I had problems with connection. Thank you for wonderfull holiday in Balchik. The view from Villa Madgalen was incredable. Everything was the same like you wrote me about this place before we went there. I will recomend bgrentals and Villa Magdalen. It's perfect place for holiday. I have some photos from Villa, maybe you need some to add to your website. Kind regards, Basia
31 August 2011

Carolin L.

Dear Pavlina, thanks for your e-mail. Our stay was wonderful. The house was pretty and clean and your staff was really nice. There was no reason to complain. Our opinion: perfect! Thank you for everything! Carolin
31 August 2011

Anamaria S.

Hello, I was going to send you an e-mail, but I simply didn't have time. We spent a wonderful time in Bulgaria and mostly because of the very nice Villa Lilly. The children's swimming pool was perfect for our children (We were 2 families with 4 children: 2 of 5 years old and 2 of 3 years old). To be honest, I don't have anything to ask you to improve. The villa looks like a home, not like a rental house. My older son who is 5 years old asked me to buy such a villa so we can have it forever, not only in holidays :) Also, the administrator is a very nice person. Thanks for the e-mail, Anamaria
29 August 2011

Palko L.

Hello, We finally arrived home(we stopped for a few days in the Romanian mountains too :)). We just wanted to thank you for everything. We had a great holiday in Balchik. Everything was just the way we agreed and Ziko helped us if we needed anything. So thank you very much for your support, we had a great time. Best regards, Palko Lenard
29 July 2011

Viktor R.

Hey Pavlina, how are you? Bulgaria is a great Country, Great People, beautiful beach, and a Great Villa Infinity =) It was great and i will back ... When do you see Ziko say him nice regards from me. Ziko is Cool. Thanks for the great 10 Days in Bulgaria and i Wish you and Ziko a Nice Day. Bye bye, Viktor
30 July 2011

Petr C.

Czech Republic
We had great time at Villa Anabelle! Good location - just a walk away from the beach. Kind regards, The Cermaks, Rebe and Adamkova
20 August 2010

Marie-Josèphe F.

Dear Pavlina, Thank you for your kind mail. We are well arrived in France. We enjoyed our stay in Bulgaria and specially the villa Anabelle. Concerning the villa one thing or two seems to be better, for example there was no tea towel but in general it was very nice, quiet, modern. It was nice to meet you too during our holiday and of course Ziko. Don't hesitate to write to me, it always will be a pleasure. Kinds regards. Marie-Josèphe
03 September 2010

Piotr B.

Dear Pavlina, thank You for your e-mail and for great vacation in Villa Sentinela. I show my photos all my friend and I recommend your villas. Kind regards, Piotr B.
03 September 2010

Jaana A.

Dear Pavlina, as a feedback I can tell you we had exellent time spending on villa Anabelle and it was the best part of our holiday. Everyone of us was having a pleasant time there. The only thing that might be good to mension of the villa, is the great hill it lies on. It was a good sports training as we climbed up there, but with children it might have been too much to come from the sea. The taxis did though solve this problem. The person that came to pick us up from the airport gave us all the information that we needed to start looking around the place and how to go to the beach and so on. It helped us alot. We are pleased to your services, everything went just the way you and your company told us it would be. Thank you for the shampagne-surprice that was waiting us in the villa. Wish you all the best, Jaana.
02 September 2010

Aleksandrina Z.

Zdraveite Pavlina, Blagodarim vi za prekrasnoto izkarvane na liatnata ni pochivka vav vila Sentinela. Vsichko ni haresa tam, hubava podredena vila i razbira se restoranta do nea kadeto gotviat velikolepno. Shte napisha i otgovor na holandski zashtoto vse pak mnogo holandci idvat v BG i moje bi shte im e interesno da prochetat nashite vpechatlenia ot tam Na vas vi blagodaria i vi pojelavam mnogo uspehi Aleksandrina Z.
Beste Pavlina, Wij hebben een hele fijne vakantie in villa Sentinela gehad. Alles was naar wens en de kinderen vonden het zwembad geweldig. Als wij vragen hadden werden we gelijk geholpen, een echte service dus. Wij hebben wel wat gezien in de buurt en het eten in het restaurant verderop was heerlijk. Bedankt voor alles en zeker tot de volgende keer! Met vriendelijke groeten, Aleksandrina, Ruud, Alicia en Ramona Z.
01 September 2010

Xavier, C.

Hello Pavlina, I would like to thank you. Our holidays at Villa Marie, Villa Lilly and Villa Magdalen were very cool and pleasant and your proposal was very appreciate. Ziko is a professional and his help was perfect. Thanks, Xavier
31 August 2010

Aurelian L.

Hi, I am sorry for the late reply! We had a longer vacantion and are back home now. We had a great time at Vila Anabelle! I have to say that the vila was exactly as described in the website and the area manager, Zvezdy was extremely helpfull, he helped us with accomodation in the area and with a small technical problem we had with a heater. So as a feedback we all 6 can admit it was a great vacantion and consider using your services for the next year vacantion and maybe for this winter holidays at skiing in Rodopi mountains. We like Bulgaria as its close to our country but sadly for us you provide better services for decent prices. Therefore, Thank you very much for a pleasant vacantion! Aurelian
28 August 2010

Marin N.

It was a very nice experience to stay at Magdalen villa. The location was nice even if was a little bit to far from the beach. The pool area was beautiful and peaceful. However, Villa Magdalen is a good place to spend for a big familly. Thank you and best wishes! Marin
25 August 2010

Gintautas G.

It was really great holiday, the weather was fantastic all the days, it was sunny and extremely hot, but we liked it. Villa Anabelle is gorgeous, the view from the balcony is breathtaking, the rooms are really nice and confortable. We loved the pool and the fireplace. We'd also like to thanks Ziko! He was very very helpful, polite and friendly. Bulgaria is a great country with beautiful landscapes. We hope to come back here some time. Wonderful Holiday!!! Gintas, Remingijus, Sandra, Daiva, Rohas, Edgaras, Agne, Mante
23 August 2010

Michael S.

Dear Pavlina, Our holidays at Villa Infinity were really fantastic. The house is perfectly equipped for our group of 12 persons. The pool is very nice and everything was in a good state and clean. Many thanks also to our villa manager Ziko for the good help and advice and above all to our taxi driver. Thank you very much!!! With kind regards, Michael
05 August 2010

Paula I.

Dear Pavlina, thank you very much. I think whole stay at Villa Infinity was all right. Everything was accurate with the on-line description. The accomodation and equipment was fullfiled. We really ejoyed our stay there, so thank you very much. We are planning to come back next year :) Best wishes, Paula
04 August 2010

Anne J.

Hello Pavlina, indeed we all had a wonderful holiday, both villas - Infinity and Anabelle - were beautiful and very clean. Villa Infinity was exceptionally lovely, the children loved the tortoises. The faults, they certainly did not spoil what was an extremely enjoyable holiday for us all, I would recommend both villas and bgrentals to everyone, many thanks for all your help. Anne
04 August 2010

Trisha T.

Hi Pavlina, we had a great time thanks. We were very lazy and didn't venture very far and the peace and quiet of Villa Anabelle suited us well. Ziko was very attentive and responded very quickly to any questions/small problems we had, thank you Ziko. The villa was lovely, particularly liked the 'penthouse' bedroom which was a good escape from the children. We loved having a pool too so it was a shame that the storm meant we couldn't swim for the last 3 days. The Villa was clean and tidy. The local shops are friendly and it was nice to sit outside with a cold beer before climbing back up the hill with our shopping. We loved to visit Balchik in the evenings, much more relaxed and better value that Albena and we are too old for the big and busy resorts. So, thanks for a lovely holiday venue and I shall have no hesitation in recommending Bgrentals to my friends. Kind regards, Trisha and family.
07 July 2010

Hemant P.

Dear Pavlina, Just wanted to “thank you” for organizing our stay at Villa Lilly & our car rental. The Villa was FANTASTIC and it was exactly as the photos on your web site. Regards. Hemant Patel
12 August 2009

John and Mel D.

Pavlina and Vessy, Thanks for all your help. We had a great holiday. Villa Infinity was perfect. Cheers. John and Mel.
06 August 2009

Louis V.

Hello Pavlina, first I'd like to thank you and Vessy for your warm welcome at villa Magdalen during our stay. The whole group was really happy about the week we spent at the villa! Then I'd like to know if there is a website where I can leave a review about our stay, to give other people an impression of how it was. Thank you very much and have a nice day. Louis
29 July 2009

Olga S.

Dear Guests, we had a fantastic time in Villa Magdalen and would like to share this with you! Have a nice time!!!!!
30 June 2009

Peter P.

Pozdravi na celia ekip na Bg Rentals. Blagodarim za chudesnia prestoy vav Villa Lilly.
22 September 2008

Andrew L.

Hello, first of all I would like to thank you for helping arrange just a wonderful holiday. We had a great stay in villa Jasmine. Also Vessy was most helpful in organising transport and with passing on information to us, this was of great help to us. If you could pass on my thanks it would be appreciated. The help you gave us prior and during our stay certainly did alot towards helping the whole group have a wonderful holiday and we are certainly considering returning to bulgaria. perhaps for a winter holiday next time!
18 September 2008

Brigitte B.

Hi Tina, we had a great time in Bulgaria and in Villa Lilly and we want to thank you that everything works out fine. It was a pleasure for us to book with you. So again thank you for your good job and also thanks to Vessey for her assistance.
14 September 2008

Jane W.

Dear Tina, We had a great holiday at villa Infinity. What fantastic views and the villa was beautiful especially the infinity pool. Please say a big thank you to Vessy for all her help. We hope to come again next year as we love Bulgaria. Thank you again for the efficient service. Jane W.
11 September 2008

Robert P.

Hello Tina, I want to thank you all for the perfect holiday we spend in Villa Infinity it was just great!! Best regards, Robert
03 September 2008

Peter R.

Hi Tina, I would like to tell you that we had a wonderful time in Bulgaria and in Villa Jasmine and we most certainly go back.
05 September 2008

Phil H.

Tina, Returned from our holiday at Villa Infinity. We all had a lovely time and thought the villa was fantastic. Thank you for all your help over the last few months with all the arrangements. It made our trip easy with all your help. Vessy was very helpful and answered any questions we had. All in all a fabulous holiday and we would hope to book with you again in the future. Thanks once again. It was a fantastic holiday with great weather and great views from the lovely villa. Phil
30 August 2008

Michelle W.

Dear Tina, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and Vessey for all your help before and during our stay at Villa Lilly, it helped to make our stay a wonderful experience. I would have no problems in recommending your company to friends, or using you again myself. A very helpful and professional service all round. Thank you once again.Michelle.
27 August 2008

Raymond Ch.

Hi Tina, with reference to Jasmine Villa, we liked our stay at the villa very much and loved Bulgaria. Many thanks for your help. Ray
17 June 2008

Jenny M. V.

We really enjoyed the stay at Villa Infinity and hope to return another year...Many thanks
15 July 2008

Jean H.

Dear Tina, rather belatedly as have only just found your email address - thank you very much for organising our stay at Villa Lilly. We especially appreciated being able to leave our luggage in your office and it was nice to meet you there. We all enjoyed our holiday and found the villa more than lived up to our expectations. Don't work too hard! hope you manage to have some weekends free. Again, many thanks, Jean
01 August 2008

Joanna T.

Dear Tina, We're satisfied for stay in Villa Lilly. Kind regards!
11 August 2008

David and Nikki H.

Tina, first of all, can we thank you and Vessy for a fantastic holiday in Villa Infinity. The villa was beautiful and the service provided by bgrentals was fantastic. All of the group had a great time and were very sad to go home. Also, can you let me know the rental rates for next year? Many Thanks, David
17 September 2007

Daniel E.

Hi Tina, just a quick email to say thank you so much for you and your colleagues help before and during our holiday; all of us had a truely wonderful time in Villa Infinity. Thanks again!
06 November 2006

Dawn L.

Firstly we would like to thank Tina and Vessy very much for the help and support during our holiday. We had a fantastic time and will be making a return visit in the future. Both the villas we stayed in were lovely and we were very comfortable at villa Jasmine. Please also thank the taxi company for us as they were very good and reliable and told us so much history about Bulgaria. As I say, we will be making a return visit as we all enjoyed our holiday there. My Dad is practicing his Bulgarian words ready for the next holiday!!! We all really enjoyed our holiday and we will certainly be recommending your company to our family and friends.
28 July 2006

Jackie, Mark, Pat, Bob, Robert and Charlie H.

Just a little note to thank you for the wonderfully relaxed holiday we enjoyed at Villa Jasmine. We were particularly impressed with the attentiveness shown to us by you and Vessy, and I’m sorry we missed saying goodbye to you on our last day. Villa Jasmine is a beautiful villa and we loved the pool and garden - we will have treasured memories of our stay there always. We have had no hesitation in recommending Bulgaria as a holiday destination to our friends and we hope to visit again some day! With very best wishes.
21 May 2006

Ian and Heather S

Just a quick message to say how we all enjoyed our stay at villa Infinity that was an experience in itself. Heather and myself would like to thank all the staff at Balchik for their help and making our stay enjoyable. It was nice to meet Tina and it was kind of her to show us the way to the airport. Without her I am sure we would of missed the flight. (Maybe not a bad thing!). Hope to see you all in the near future. Best wishes
17 July 2006

Peter B.

Just a quick note to say thank you very much for our stay in your villas - Infinity and Jasmine, we all had an excellent time and will probably be booking and very soon.
17 July 2006

Patrick and Veronique B.

We are very enjoyed to see the Bulgarian coast and to stay at Villa Infinity. It was very kind of you to come and visit Varna with us. The summer are very nice near the lake of Annecy and the Mountains. We hope you can go in France the next year. Good wishes.
September 2006

Jane K. 11

Hope you and your team are all well. As you know, we have just returned from Villa Infinity and had such a great time - we are hoping to visit Bulgaria again next year!
06 June 2006

Ray, Julie & Nicholas M.

Hi, please pass my thanks on to Vessey, Tina and all the staff for all the work they done in making our stay at Villa Infinity such a wonderful experience!! Thanks for the honey Vessey it is Great!! See you soon.
30 August 2005

Michle W.

We have just returned from Bulgaria having spent a week in Villa Infinity. I just wanted to say how much we enjoyed our week there. The villa is absolutely fantastic and exceeded all our expectations. I would also like to mention our Villa Manageress, Vessy, who was superb and made our holiday so enjoyable - please convey our heartfelt thanks to her. We're hoping to return to Bulgaria next year, but for a longer period so we hope to deal with you again.
06 May 2007

Sarah M.

Just a quick note to say we arrived home safetly and thank you very much for your assistance. As you can imagine it was a memorable experience to stay at Villa Infinity. I hope to return with my family and see the other side of bulgaria. Once again thank you.
21 June 2007

Rosanna, C.

Dear Tina, thank you for all your help with our arrangemnets for our holiday. We had a fantastic time in Villa Jasmine and can't wait till we can come back to Bulgaria again.
24 July 2007

Brian W.

Now been back from villa Jasmine over a week and nearly forgotten the benefits of being away! All the family enjoyed themselves and their friends and very much on the back of your help during our week. Hopefully villa Jasmine will remain full during the summer and finally just to say a big thank you for your help. Hope to see you again soon.
06 August 2007

Kelvin, Karen, Amy, Jodie, Josh, Dave & Lyn.

Hi Vessy & Tina and apologies it has taken us a week to put pen to paper to thank you for your efforts on ensuring that our stay at Villa Lilly was so enjoyable. Your attention and help was very much appreciated and you can be sure we only have good things to say about the villa, the town and especially the two of you. Thanks again!
10 August 2007

Jane G.

Hi Tina, I just wanted to thank you, and Vessy, for all your assistance in making our stay at Villa Sentinela a wonderful experience. Having safely arrived at Varna Vessy led the way to the villa and was most helpful in her desire for us to enjoy our time in Bulgaria and resolve any concerns we may have had. Bulgaria is a truly beautiful country. Vessy kindly supplying us with a road map once we told her we wanted to explore the area, although I think to start with she was a bit bemused by our plans. We travelled in land and visited Veliko Tarnovo, the open-air museum at Etar, the living museum at Tryavna, Bacho Kiro Cave, assorted monasteries, and explored the edges of the Balkan Range. During our stay we also visited Dobrich, Pobiti Kamani, Varna city, Aladzha Monastery, Kavarna, Tuzlata and of course the Palace and Gardens in Balchik. We even went to Albena, but in all honesty that wasn't really the kind of place we enjoy. The villa exceeded our expectations in it's comfort and facilities. Most evenings we walked to Balchik town along the sea front for our evening meal, enjoying a different restuarant each night, always delighting in the superb foods. We only ate at the villa for breakfast having stocked up with lots of delicious honey, fresh fruits bought from the roadside and meats and cheeses from the supermarket. We loved every minute of our 2 week stay and our only regret is we couldn't stay longer to explore more of Bulgaria and experience it's beauty and extremely friendly people. I hope Bulgaria doesn't get too over developed over the next few years and that it always retains the beauty, charm and innocence that I fell in love with. Thank you again for a lovely holiday. Should you speak with Vessy prehaps you would be kind enough to once more pass on our thanks to her too. Fondest regards
20 August 2007

Jane W.

Dear Tina, we very much enjoyed our stay at Villa Jasmine from 21 July - 04 August 2007. We loved Bulgaria and intend to come back next year. Vessy was extremely helpful and made the whole trip relatively hassle free and run smoothly. Thank you for all your help organising our holiday, we will be in touch later in the year to book for 2008!!
19 August 2007

Jenny R.

Hi Tina! We have all settled back into home life and work! We had a lovely time in Bulgaria and Villa Infinity was very nice.
04 September 2007

Mo and Vicky H.

Hi Tina, I'm just writing to express our thanks on behalf of the group who stayed at Villa infinity over the last two weeks. We had a great time thanks to your hospitality and especially the aid of Vessy. I know one of my group (David. H.) is keen on staying again next summer with his family. Many thanks. Mo
11 September 2007

Vanessa D.

Hello Tina, it was lovely to meet you in Bulgaria, we had a lovely holiday at Villa Jasmine. Thank you for all your help.