
We at Bgrentals.com believe that your privacy is important.

1. Information collection:

Bgrentals.com collects and analyses visitor information. However this does not involve collecting personal data and is used to improve the user experience and to measure the number of visitors to our site.

Bgrentals.com may ask you to submit personal information - for example your name, your postcode, e-mail address or telephone number. Bgrentals.com does not store this information on its own servers.

2. Information use

Where you voluntarily choose to give us your personal details, the personal data you give us will be used exclusively for providing you with the information or service you have requested.

In some cases Bgrentals.com may invite you to sign up for additional services - for example a regular mailing list, special offers and other information about Bgrentals.com which may be of interest. You can choose to accept or to refuse this invitation. If at any point you do not wish to receive e-mail messages from us you can e-mail us on office@bgrentals.com and ask to be removed from our mailing lists.

E-mail addresses or any other personal details will not be sold or disclosed to any other parties.

3. Information Sharing and Disclosure

Bgrentals.com will only pass information on in order to provide the information or service you have requested. We must, for example, tell you when we are collecting such data and why. If we intend to pass this information on to a third party, you must give us your written permission.